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Sunday 6 May 2012

Keyboard Shortcuts for Facebook!

Millions of internet users visit Facebook everyday. But most of them are not familiar with the keyboard shortcuts available for using Facebook! These shortcuts can accelerate your experience with Facebook.

For the convenience of users most the shortcuts have been created with the numbers. In this post I'm gonna provide you these shortcuts for your convenience: 

  • Alt+? or /: Search
  • Alt+m: Compose a new message
  • Alt+1: Home page
  • Alt+2: Your profile page
  • Alt+3: Friend requests
  • Alt+4: Your messages
  • Alt+5: Notifications
  • Alt+6: Account page
  • Alt+7: Privacy
  • Alt+8: About Facebook
  • Alt+9: Facebook Terms/Agreement
  • Alt+0: Facebook help center
  1. If you're on a Mac then you need to add Ctrl+Option+ to each of the shortcuts. (ie. Ctrl+Opt+?) 
  2. In Firefox, you'll need to add a Shift key to the combination. (ie. Shift+Alt+?) 
  3. On Internet Explorer, combinations will be the same. Additionally you'll have to press enter to confirm the each combination. 
Visit here to know more about these shortcuts

Facebook also provide different emoctions for chatting. If you're frequently chat with your friends in Facebook and like to use emoctions then  Go here.

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