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Sunday 6 May 2012

Top Keyboard Shortcuts for Twitter!

In my previous post I've provided some useful Keyboard Shortcuts of Facebook. And in this post I am giving the shortcuts for twitter. 

Twitter is a popular social networking site. And day by day its popularity is increasing rapidly. More than 50 million tweets in a single day and 600 tweets just in a second! Can you imagine? Many users are moving to the twitter leaving Facebook. 

Twitter provides some useful shortcuts to accelerate the users' experience. The shortcuts for twitter are very very cool. It is very easy to use. I think the shortcuts of twitter are the easiest shortcuts to memorize.  

The following table will show you the shortcuts. Don't press the two shortcuts button at a time. Press the first one and then second respectively.
Actions Navigation
F Favourite ? This Menu G  H Home
R ReplyJ Next Tweet G  C Connect
T Retweet K Previous Tweet G  A Activity
M Direct Message Space Page Down G  R Mentions
N New Tweet / Search G  D Discover
Enter Tweet Details . New Tweets G  P Profile
L Close All Open Tweets
G  F

G  L Lists

G  M Messages

G  S Settings
G  U User

You can also have these shortcuts from your twitter page! Look at the upper right corner of your twitter page. And hit on down arrow and select keyboard shortcuts. 

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